
January 2016 Goals Update

I started writing in a daily journal for 2016 and at the start of each month I write down my goals for the month. Here are my January goals and updates on whether I achieved them or not.


1. Lock in promotion!

  • Technically did not accomplish this. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have made this a goal because the process was pretty much out of my control. My boss has been working on getting me promoted to Senior Technical Program Manager (my title right now is Senior Project Manager), but it’s been in the works for a couple months now. I thought January was when it would finally go through, but I later found out it likely wouldn’t be happening until the end of February. Still, I think I put in a lot of effort in January towards making sure my value to the company was well known. I did this by driving the planning for some big initiatives going on this year across my four software teams. It was a big undertaking with a big payout; I think it really sealed the deal for my promotion.

2. Gym ≥ 3x a week




  • Nope. I went to the gym a total of eight times in January. That’s pretty bad. I set the bar pretty high and should have started off with a goal of going just twice a week.

3. Work: Get core teams going

  • Done! This was something I was dreading a bit because I knew it would be so much work, but I was able to help roll out a new process in our software organization.

4. Cook ≥ 2x a week

  • Total fail. I’m always trying to cook more so that we eat out less, but one thing I completely forgot when I wrote this goal down was that we’re remodeling our kitchen. And yeah, sometimes you need a kitchen to cook.




I think having monthly goals will be really helpful going forward, I just need to make sure my goals are realistic and achievable.

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