
My Minimalist Home Office

My workspace at home is pretty minimal, but having very little clutter really helps keep me focused and relaxed.

I have two desks that I got from The Container Store and put together so I could have an L-shaped table. I always thought it would be cool to have this much space to work on, but I may eventually get rid of the one table and just have the single desk.




Soon I hope to improve the lighting situation in here with some recessed lighting and a dedicated task lamp.




I keep an old school inbox tray on my desk to hold all things I need to process, like coupons and receipts I need to file. This is my physical inbox that is a supplement to my productivity system inbox in Things.

I also really like my headphones hook that I got from this place called The Kancha Laboratory.

My desktop wallpaper features my favorite calendar app, Blotter, which I talked about in a previous post.




The world map I have actually keeps track of all the places my husband and I have traveled to, and all the places we want to go to next. I’m planning on painting the frame gray just to make it not blend in so much with the wall.



The black pins indicate all the places we’ve been to and the red pins are places we want to travel to in the future





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