Personal Finance

“No Spend July” – Week 2

Sunday, July 7

Last night, my cousin who lives on the East Coast sent me this Facebook Marketplace listing for some toddler Jordan shoes–three like new pairs for $30! Today she went to pick them up. It was hard to pass up the deal! I really should be cautious about stuff like this though because if you have debt that is incurring interest fees, are you really saving on purchases that are supposedly good deals? đŸ¤”These ended up costing me $50 when factoring in needing to reimburse my cousin for shipping to me.

Today we went to the mall just to kill time. My husband bought our daughter a Pokemon shirt for $10.82. Again, this was his purchase, but it’s not like I said no to it either. We also went to Target and got mostly groceries, thank goodness. I did get a pencil box for our daughter’s crayons, which has been on my to buy list for a while now (totally an excuse), and we also spent around $26 on back to school gifts for our daughter’s new preschool teachers.

Monday to Thursday, July 8-11

I don’t spend a ton during the week fortunately because I eat breakfast and lunch at work for free. I have noticed I’ve also been online shopping/browsing a whole lot less this month because of this challenge.

My car did have to get towed Monday morning because it overheated because of some kind of leak I believe. Pretty sucky because the bill came out to be over $1K and I haven’t been great about budgeting for car repairs.

On Tuesday, I totally cheat again and send my husband another Amazon product link; this time for a really cute hairbrush I wanted for my daughter that was previously out of stock. I technically don’t ask him to buy it, but I secretly hope he does (he does).

Tuesday we also pick up food for dinner ($30.74) because our housekeeper is on a new summer hour schedule, which means we have to be (or like to be, at least) out of the house so she can do her thing. I’m sure if we planned better or tried harder, however, this could be an avoidable expense.

Wednesday and Thursday we cook our meal kits, so no additional food expenses those days fortunately.

Friday, July 12

Today I went on a food tour as part of a team offsite. I didn’t spend anything, but I was so tempted to purchase some dessert wine (I don’t really like wine, but I do like dessert wine every now and then) as a present to my future self after I’m pregnant. It was going to cost $30 for a bottle and I totally would have gotten it if it was any other month.

We did get fast food for dinner. This is often what happens when it’s been a long week and we don’t want to cook.

Saturday, July 13

We do really good about eating breakfast and lunch at home (normally we would have brunch out). For dinner my husband picks up some Japanese curry ($22.78) while he’s in the City for an errand.


Overall, I’m pretty shocked that I haven’t bought too many non-food related things. There are still occasional purchases, but compared to a normal month, I definitely feel a difference. Hoping I can keep it up for the rest of the month! Amazon Prime Day is next week, so let’s see how that goes…

The no spend month challenge is definitely harder when the whole family isn’t on board, but I also definitely wouldn’t want to force this on my husband. I do think he is still positively influenced by me spending less though, so that’s a good thing.

Wanted to Buy But Didn’t

  • Bottle of dessert wine: $30

Total saved: $30


  • Jordan shoes: $50
  • Pokemon shirt: $10.82
  • Hairbrush: $8.99
  • Target non-essentials: $27
  • Takeout/eating out: $53.52

Total spent on “unqualified” purchases: $100.33

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