Personal Finance

“No Spend July” – Week 4

Sunday, July 21

Stayed home for most of the day. Went to Target for “groceries.” Stayed mostly on track except our daughter got extremely attached to this PJ Masks doll and I caved. Fortunately it didn’t have a price tag and they rang it off at 50% off. I also got lured into the Target Dollar Spot and picked up this plastic organization bin that was $5.

Owlette doll

My husband and I had a nice dinner date out while our daughter was at her grandparents’. We spent $43 at one of our favorite Japanese restaurants and about $16.75 on dessert.

Monday, July 22

My daughter has really been into these Spot “Lift the Flap” books and so I went onto Amazon to look. I added some to my cart but didn’t buy. I’m sort of getting the hang of this. 😎

Spot book

Tuesday to Friday, July 23 to 26

Most of the week I did okay. Tuesday was the release of a new print from a diaper bag company I like a lot, Ju-Ju-Be. It was a highly anticipated release and normally I would spend HUNDREDS getting pieces from the new line. I was shocked I didn’t purchase anything!

On Thursday, the husband said he wanted “something good to eat for dinner,” which generally means anything that’s not a meal kit. 🙄 We ended up getting pizza. He wanted Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust, which normally I would be all for too, but then I went to order online and a large pizza alone was gonna be like $21! I checked the Papa John’s site and saw we could get two larges for the same price ($26 including a side of wings), so I told my husband we were gonna get that instead. Also, I chose for him to pick up the pizza as opposed to delivery to save $8. Normally I would totally pick the convenience over saving a couple of bucks, but I just feel like these are the types of little choices we need to start making.

On Friday, I bought an adapter ($42) for our Veer that will allow us to attach an infant carseat to the wagon. I could’ve totally waited until August to make the purchase, but I just wanted to get it out of the way since I knew it was definitely something we were going to “need” eventually.

Saturday, July 27

Had breakfast at home, but for lunch my sister and her family came over and brought food that we split the costs on. We had fast food for dinner too. 🙁

Wanted to Buy But Didn’t

  • Spot Lift the Flap books: ~$16
  • Bags from new Ju-Ju-Be collection: $300+

Total saved: $316+


  • Target “unqualified” expenses: $15
  • Sunday date: $59.75
  • Pizza: $26
  • Veer wagon car seat adapter: $42
  • Saturday’s fast food: $62

Total spent on “unqualified” purchases: $204.75

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