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Tech Tips & Tools

Tech Tips & Tools

Things for Mac: The “Waiting For” Tag

I think one of the biggest reasons for my success as a project manager has been that I hardly ever let things fall through the cracks. That’s a pretty bold statement, but I feel like that’s literally what you’re getting paid to…

Tech Tips & Tools

Best Calendar for Your Desktop

Today, I’m revealing another one of my must-have tech tools. Blotter is the nicest-looking and possibly only full-sized calendar app that stays on your desktop. It costs $9.99 and is only available for the Mac. Blotter works simply by pulling in your…

Tech Tips & Tools

Best Free Screen Capture Tool

I take a lot of screenshots on my Mac both for work and for my personal use. For my job as a software program manager, for example, I take a lot of screenshots of bugs I find on our web apps so…

Tech Tips & Tools

Things for Mac: Projects and Areas

Projects and Areas is my last topic in this six-part introduction to Things. Check out the five other features I covered in previous posts: Inbox Today Next Scheduled Someday Projects 101 A project is anything that is comprised of more than one…

Tech Tips & Tools

Things for Mac: Someday Tasks

I’m continuing my blog series on the Things productivity app. Part five of the Things for Mac blog series is all about the Someday section. Here again are the six main sections of Things that I’m covering in this intro to my…

Tech Tips & Tools

Things for Mac: Scheduled Tasks

In this blog post, I cover my favorite feature of Things, Scheduled tasks. In previous posts in this blog series, I’ve covered the Inbox, Today, and Next. Scheduled Tasks 101 I cannot stress enough how useful the Scheduled section of Things is. I…

Tech Tips & Tools

Things for Mac: Next Actions

This is the third of my six-post series on the basics of using what I consider the best productivity app, Things for Mac. My first post in this series was all about the Inbox feature of Things, which is essentially the place…

Tech Tips & Tools

Things for Mac: Today Section

This is the second post in a six-post blog series about my productivity tool of choice, Things for Mac. My previous post covered the Inbox feature of Things, which is the “first stop” for capturing random thoughts and reminders that will later…